The Material Bulk: Madonna Looks Scarier Than Ever!

Sure, there is nothing wrong with exercising and building up muscles right? When I look at some recent pictures of Madonna though, I ask myself whether she has become a tiny bit obsessed with over-clocking her biceps…

The Daily Mail has published these pictures and I must say, she looks like she could knock out Rambo. Feminine it aint! Don’t get me wrong, considering her age, she looks absolutely fabulous with a smashing figure and her determination for exercising is admirable. Don’t you think she overdoes it though?

MadMuscleGOFF_468x720 madonna muscles Apparently she’s working out 2 hours / day, that’s 6 days a weeks!

I’m not sure whether she’s become Bigorexic or fears that she gets in fact old… either way, this looks clearly “unhealthy” and obsessive if you ask me.

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