Archive for December, 2006

Woman sent grandson through X-ray machine at L.A. airport

A woman placed her one month old grandson in a bin for carry-on items and sent him through the x-ray machine at Los Angeles International Airport.

Keep your brain fit with Shakespeare!

Researchers have revealed that Shakespeare’s work excites the brain in a way that keeps it “fit”. Finally, scientific proof of the axiom that English teachers the world over have been punting for centuries — reading Shakespeare is good for you. Well, to be more specific, it is good for your brain, reports Times Online.

Google all set to boldly go where no search engine has gone before…

NASA and Google have signed an agreement to work together to solve cosmic computing problems and channel information from space around the world via the Internet. The crunch of Martian soil underfoot and the feel of Martian wind against your cheek could one day be experienced by anyone with an internet connection as a result […]

Simon Cowell signing £20 million deal

He’s the real winner of the “X-Factor”. Simon Cowell signed a 20 million pound contract with Itv for the popular television show “The X-Factor” and that makes him – the highest earning star on british TV! The show, which is made by Cowell’s production company Syco, has been one of Saturday night’s ratings winners for […]