Archive for March, 2008

Quick And Easy Auto Loans

I guess there comes a time when you’ve found your dream car but who can actually afford one without taking out a Car Loan? For the perfect car, I would too… Whenever you consider taking out a loan you should try and find the best deal. BestLeadingLenders could be of assistance. You can easily find […]

For Real? Elephant Paints Self-Portrait

I remain sceptical about this: An elephant painting a self portrait. Well, I always thought that elephants were smart but if this is real, they are uber-smart and more talented than some humans.

Google In Black

Technorati Tags: google,blackle,search engine In honor of Earth Hour, Google has gone black and I think it looks rather good! So Google has changed it’s background to black but search results still come up in white.

Migration Had Brought No Economic Benefit…

Technorati Tags: uk,britain,immigration,economy The Telegraph reports something most people in Britain are already arware of: ten years of record immigration to Britain has produced virtually no economic benefits to the country. A House of Lords committee, which is due to report next Tuesday, will call into question Government claims that foreign workers add £6 billion […]