Archive for the 'Internet' Category

MySpace Suicide: Megan Had It Coming

Megan Meier, a 13 year old teenager who suffered from depression, fell for a MySpace hoax and committed suicide. The story behind this is quite bizarre and twisted really. One of Megan’s friends mum, whom she fell out with, went to “spy” on her on the social network site MySpace by creating a fake profile […]

Purrcast! Pure Soothing Purrs

Podcasting is boring, want something soothing and cute? Purrcasting is here! I’m absolutely loving this, as a cat lover myself, there’s something very relaxing and soothing about a cat’s purring… Fantastic idea, I’m having great expectations. Purrcast

Web Hosting On The Cheap

Technorati tags: domain, registration, host, hosting, plans, cheap Everybody’s joined the blogging revolution, everybody’s got their own blog and everybody wants their own domain. It’s dead easy to get a free blog on the Internet but those free services offer you very limited resources and options. Unfortunately a lot of people resort to free hosting […]

Could It Be Google That’ll Finally Extinguish The Spam Of The Cyberworld?

Technorati tags: google, mail, spam, filter, email spam, email Perhaps not completely extinguish but according to Google there’s less E-mail Spam because of the efficacy of filters, which may suggest that lots of spammers have gotten discouraged and have stopped trying to get through Google’s spam filters. I’ve always thought that Gmail is the […]