Where Do Internet Addicts Go? To The Internet Addict Camp

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I didn’t know that South Korea was one of the most wired nations. So it kind of makes sense that they have got a Rehab camp for www addicts. Apparently around 30 per cent of South Koreans under 18, or about 2.4 million people, are at risk of becoming addicted. Wow, what a number.

“They come here, to the Jump Up Internet Rescue School, the first camp of its kind in South Korea and possibly the world, to be cured,” the New York Times reported.

People seem to not take Internet addiction seriously. Clearly it’s not just happening in South Korea or China.

The rescue camp is located in a forested area and was created to treat the most severe cases of Internet addiction. It is funded by the government making it tuition-free.


Boot Camp Cure for Web Obsession [NY Times]

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