Acid Horrors: Wife Kills Husband By Stuffing Him, Alive, In Vat Of Acid


Shocking killing! As a biochemist, she couldn’t have possibly chosen a crueler death for her husband…

Larissa Schuster, 47, has been found guilty of murdering her husband Timothy and now faces a mandatory term of life in prison without parole at sentencing.

The Schusters co-owned a chemical lab and were in the midst of a bitter divorce.

Larissa Schuster and her former lab assistant kidnapped her 45-year-old husband on July 10, 2003, knocked him out with a stun gun and chloroform-soaked rag, then dumped his bound body headfirst into a barrel while he was still breathing.

The assistant, James Fagone, told authorities that Larissa Schuster then poured hydrochloric acid into the 55-gallon container.

His partially-dissolved body was found later at a San Joaquin Valley storage unit.

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