Archive for May, 2008

Free Of State

When you think of Philosophy, many would think it’s just some Gibberish. I think there comes a point in everyone’s life when you are trying to find your truth and answer as to why we are here and what our purpose is. Many turn to religion, some possibly for very wrong reasons. Catholics, Protestants, ect… […]

Ditch The Implants And Go Natural…

…or you could damage your health! I’m actually not surprised at all at the latest find: permanent facial implants to get rid of wrinkles, could give you arthritis. Patients developed side effects such as swelling, hardening of the area, lumps near the injection site, fever, arthritis and dry eyes or mouth. ‘Polyalkylimide implant gels’ – […]

Reverse Phone Lookups

Reverse Phone lookups can be pretty handy but usually a service that performs the looks is pretty expensive. There’s plenty of situation where I wished I could do a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup since most phones can easily hide their own number when calling you. This can be incredibly annoying. Another great use for a […]

Hybrid Embryo Research Backed By Government

Critics may think that tampering with human embryos is “immoral” but today, the government has voted and backed hybrid embryo research. I think this is a positive sign coming from the government and I think this kind of research will do immense of good things. Catholic cabinet ministers Ruth Kelly, Des Browne and Paul Murphy […]