Archive for the 'Art Issues' Category

Unusual Tattoos: Connecting Dots Giraffe

Technorati tags: body, art, tattoos, weird, unusual Some people have some really weird tattoos: Found on Neatorama Colleen Venable is obsessed with giraffes (it all started when she lost a giraffe toy as a child, which sets off a 3 year hunt for that particular stuffed animal. Long story short 1,712 giraffes later, she found […]

Tampon Crafts: Stuff Made Out Of (Unused) Tampons

Technorati tags: thanksgiving, turkey, crafts, art, tampons, funny, origin, crafty What a hilarious idea! Pimping Thanksgiving dinner with an unusual twist: This is from a site called tampon crafts – no seriously, they make all sorts of awesome, weird and funny stuff with tampons. I cannot believe that there’s a whole website dedicated to the […]

Collective Perception

Technorati tags: art, design, inspiration, culture, images, history, cyberculture “There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already […]

If The World Was Made Of Meat…

Technorati tags: art, meat, bizarre, furniture Simone Rachel, an Italian artist, thought it would be cool to have everyday objects like chair look like they were made out of meat. Original no doubt, don’t know what to think of it though. Not my style.