Archive for the 'Race-Ethnic-Religious Issues' Category

Pondering Question (Not Really): How Did Dinosaurs Fit On Noah’s Ark?

Remember, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinion… So here’s another Christian “explanation” as to how dinosaurs fit on Noah’s ark. Many people think dinosaurs were all huge animals that could peer over the tops of tall trees. But many dinosaurs were small. Some were about the size of young chickens, and some […]

Good Friday "Celebration" In Philippines, Where Was Mel Gibson?

Technorati Tags: good,friday,good friday,passion of christ,easter,philippines,celebration,crucify He could have captured some quality material for a “Passion of Christ” sequel; “Passion of Filipinos”. What comes closer than showing Christian faith than crucifying yourself on Good Friday? People around the world spent the day in different ways; some reflecting, some questioning their belief, others took the hardcore […]

Being An Atheist Equals Being Intelligent?

Technorati Tags: intelligence,iq,iq study,atheists,religion Atheists are more intelligent than believers according to Danish Professor of developmental psychology, Helmuth Nyborg. The controversial study was conducted at the Aarhus University pulling data from over 7000 subjects leading to assumptions that people with “lower intelligence” may have a stronger attraction to religion than non-believers. Nyborg already sparked controversy […]

Burqa "Fashion Show", Dressed In Giant "Body Bags"

Technorati Tags: burqa,fashion,norway burqa,marked moskva Norwegian designers Marked Moskva in Norway put together a little what ABC News called “fashion show” which actually was an art project mocking the Burqa… made out of curtains? kind of resembles a giant body bag