Archive for the 'Politics' Category

"James Bond" Makes It Hard For MI6 To Recruit New Spies

Technorati tags: james bond, daniel craig, mi6, britain, government “I think sometimes we’re hindered by it _ because I think it gives people a false impression of what working for the organization is actually like,” said the official. “It does tend to turn up quite a lot of thrill seekers and fantasists and we’re really […]

The Rich vs. The Poor Shocking Images!

All in your face… Does it have to be this way? Course not, I couldn’t believe it… yes of course, you always hear about poverty and how the rich are getting richer but you never actually see the contract, the two worlds collide. The Deputydog posted some amazing pictures to illustrate the state this world […]

Improving Public Health With A Fat Tax? [We’re A Lazy Bunch]

Technorati tags: obesity, obese, fat, tax, government, health, public Do you think the government should tax people to improve public health? An Australian doctor, John Ticket, has come up with the idea of the “fat-tax”. Would it work? I doubt it. Obese people need education in order to beat the eating habit. A lot of […]

Meet Mississippi Mayor Frank Melton

Technorati Tags: mayor , frank melton , mississippi On August 26, 2006, Mayor Frank Melton had taken an entourage of police officers and teenagers (some with criminal records) to a duplex in a poor neighborhood. Stating that the duplex was home to drug dealers, Mayor Melton then directed the odd mix of cops and teenagers […]