Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Earning $500 In 5 Days… Easy

Technorati tags: blog, blogging, ppp, payperpost, payu2blog, money making, make money, income I always believed that there’s plenty of money to be made on the Internet, in one way or another. Also depending the work and amount of time you are willing / able to put into it. A blogger, Rob, has set himself a […]

The Perfect Blog Post Or Writing Great Content

Technorati tags: blog, blogs, blogging, writing, articles, content Some basic writing rules also apply for blogging; for example good grammar and spelling, practice makes perfect, stay up to date on important issues ect. ect.. I’m always skeptic whenever I come across articles covering topics on blogging or writing, like how to improve your overall blog […]

Paid To Blog? It Is Possible

Technorati tags: blog, blogging, payperpost How would you like to get paid for your blog posts? Seriously, it is possible with PayPerPost, bringing blog advertising to a new level. What it is: First of all let me tell you that it’s completely free. PayPerPost is a self-service marketplace, that allows Bloggers to moneytize their Blog […]

Inspiration 2.0 – 7 Great Sites (For Bloggers) To Get Inspiration From

Technorati Tags: blog , blogging , blog posts , news , bbc , youtube , metafilter , jezebel , gadling , inspiration , online , internet What inspires you to write your blog posts? Current news? Television? Forums? Or even books? Life itself can sometimes be a great source of topics to talk about online […]